I've always had an immense interest in photography, freezing time like some great magician, capturing moments with each click of the shutter. I never pursued this now passion because one thing or the other always seemed to get in the way. Whether it was other responsibilities, fear of failure, cost of gear, not enough time, I had all the excuses until after a couple years of eyeing a DSLR, I pulled the trigger and bought it.  Buying that camera has now become one of the great decisions of my life. I absolutely love the world of photography and learning the in's and out's of this art form. It is a wonderful thing to be able to show someone how I see the world with a focus on things I feel are beautiful, are interesting and that matter . I never imagined I would turn photography into anything more than a hobby but I'm happy to slowly be turning it into "my work" and am glad to be able to share it with you. My hope more than anything, is that the moments I capture at best inspire you, conjure up some emotion or cause you to press the pause button for a minute to reflect and at the very least, I hope they make ya smile. Thanks for stopping by, I greatly appreciate it.